Grief is a natural response to loss and the expression of grief is as unique as the one experiencing it. The death of a loved one is the most intense grief of all. There is no right or wrong way to journey the path of grief and no set timeline. Grief often has a wave-like motion of ups and downs. Grief needs to be expressed.
Grief can feel like:
• Falling down a bottomless pit
• Anger
• Hopelessness
• Guilt and regret
Recommendations for navigating grief:
• Be gentle and patient with yourself
• Share your feelings with someone you trust
• Eat well and get enough sleep
• Pursue interests that enrich your life
• Celebrate your loved one with friends and family
• Join a grief support group (See listings on the following page)
Adrienne Attaberry, bereavement coordinator at Del Corazon Hospice in Santa Fe
A child’s drawing during an art activity at Gerard’s House.
Support And Self Care
Santa Fe New Mexican