

Healing occurs on many different levels. Many researchers believe that doing something creative, or pursuing a dream or passion can be key to physical and emotional healing. Mindfulness is a means of paying attention on purpose, in the moment, and without judgment of anything. You can exercise mindfulness in almost any way, including walking, coloring, journaling, knitting, or sitting quietly.


Many online resources and books are available if you want to explore meditation, which can ease your stress and anxiety as well as help you cope with pain. Don’t feel pressure to do meditation a certain way. Try listening to guided meditations before sleep or before a stressful day. You might prefer sitting quietly alone and listening to sounds come and go, or paying attention to your breath or body sensations. Try to allow thoughts to come and go without judgement. If meditation doesn’t calm you, take care of yourself in whatever way works best for you.

Meditation websites:

• The Mindfulness App: themindfulnessapp.com

• Calm: calm.com

• Insight Timer: insighttimer.com

Support And Self Care





Santa Fe New Mexican